Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Racism Subsiding

Today racism is still very intense. I don't believe that racism is subsiding at all. I have heard immature racial comments about our new leader, president Obama, that show me how racist our society still is.
There are racial groups even on the internet. How far has racism gone? That people now make racial blogs to have them seen public. They have been given their rights, but what if they are misused? The criminal justice system even has been seen discriminating against young African-American males, just by the false assumption of the way they appear to the society. People tend to judge by instinct, or accuse falsely, not giving oneself a chance to actually know. You can find racial profiling that is recent all over the internet, even on Television shown as a comedy.
Comparing to way back in the 50's, I believe racism has actually increased in the U.S., than subsided.
It is not as bad as it is in some places, such as states, or certain areas in a city. Mostly everyone has seen some kind of a act of racism locally. Statistics show that there is a show rising increase in racial profiling in today's economy. There is no doubt, that racism is not dying out at all.

1 comment:

  1. I thnk that this is a really interesting topic because I am often reminded of the presence of racism in our society, and it is unreal to me that we are still this way. I don't know if it will ever go away, to be honest, because you're dealing with individual human nature. It is hard to convince people to believe something they've probably been taught or have seen all their life.
    Lat May, I heard about how in Georgia, they still have segregated Prom. I was shocked and disgusted. Reading the article below, it sounds like the students were willing to try and integrate the prom, but a group of parents were not. It's terrible that a few crusty old prejudices can prevent fairness and equality in a community. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/24/magazine/24prom-t.html
